
Our Payment card test data has updated, please refer here for the latest test data to use in our staging environment.

Test accounts and magic numbers

PHI test accounts

  • Fund : isoft test fund
  • healthFundCode : ISF
  • Member number : any 8 digit number
  • Patient ID : any number between 01 - 09
  • Card issue : any number between 01 - 09

Simulated claim responses

The health fund claiming engine is stubbed in non-production environments. To Stub for create/approve/reverse set the following in the invoiceReference.

invoiceReference based subs

Sub Text Expected Response
STUB_OK Defaults to 60% benefit. You can set item.chargeAmount between $11 and $12 to fail in individual item with an error code matching the 'cents'.
STUB_NO_GAP All items get 100% benefit.
STUB_ALL_GAP All items get 0 benefit.
STUB_HP_CLAIM_ERROR HP XML response with error at the claim level (no items in response).
STUB_HP_ERROR HP XML error response
STUB_400 400 error from Switch
STUB_500 500 error from Switch
STUB_HP_APPROVE_ERROR Like STUB_OK but the approve step fails with HP XML error response.
STUB_APPROVE_400 Like STUB_OK but the approve step fails with 400 error from Switch.
STUB_APPROVE_500 Like STUB_OK but the approve step fails with 500 error from Switch.
STUB_HP_CANCEL_ERROR Like STUB_OK but the cancel step fails with HP XML error response.
STUB_CANCEL_400 Like STUB_OK but the cancel step fails with 400 error from Switch.
STUB_CANCEL_500 Like STUB_OK but the cancel step fails with 500 error from Switch.

Stub text(s) are applied in the invoiceReference field

Member number based stubs

To trigger the expected outcomes,use one of the following iSoft (ISF) member numbers with any two digit patient and card issue number:

Member number Expected Response
88888801 Claim approved with ~60% fund benefit, ~40% gap, rounded down to the nearest dollar value
88888802 Claim approved with 0% fund benefit, 100% gap (nil benefit/benefit cap)
88888803 Claim approved with 100% fund benefit, 0% gap, any shipping & handling is still charged separate
88888804 Claim declined, HealthPoint error, provider number not approved
88888805 HealthPoint error, generic stubbed error message
88888806 Unexpected error from HealthPoint
88888807 Unexpected error from HealthPoint

Payment card testing details

Valid test card numbers include :

Test cards Card number
MasterCard 5123450000000008
Visa 4508750015741019
Visa 4012000033330026

The payment card can have any valid expiration, some have set responses:

Expiry date Simulated response
01 / 39 APPROVED
08 / 28 TIMED_OUT

At present, the Tyro Health Online stg environment is connected live to payment card schemes test networks. Payment schemes do not always honour simulated timeout/expired responses.

Payment card CSC/CVV can be one of:

CSC/CVV Simulated response
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