Medicare and DVA testing

  • To get started with testing, we will need to issue you with some credentials that will allow you to interact with the Tyro Health Online. To get in touch with us, please send us an email at and we’ll help you get started.
  • Only valid test accounts with Tyro Health Online arranged staging business and providers can be used to test the resource.
  • A Tyro Health Online STG environment API key is required


This page includes test data and other information to make sure your integration works as planned. It can be used to trigger different flows in your integration and ensure they are handled accordingly.

Provider test data

The following providers are authorised for claim authorisation. These providers can be used as GP, Specialist, Diagnostic Imaging, MRI, Radiology Oncology servicing, payee or referring providers (not Pathology).

Provider Number Last Name First Name
  • If transmitting claims for Diagnostic Imaging use LSPN Number: 14
  • If transmitting claims for Pathology use SCP Number: 00001
  • If transmitting claims for Radiation Oncology use Equipment Number: 00901

The following provider is a ‘Generalist Provider’ (to only be used where asked for in the test plan).

Provider Number Last Name First Name

Referee providers

The following providers can only be used for Referral and Request purposes.

Provider Type Provider Number Name
General 2054781W Dr Brenda Reed
Specialist 2121331W Dr Vivian Mortier

Payee providers

Any valid servicing provider can be used as a payee provider.

Medicare patient test data

Claims submitted to Medicare are validated by Medicare number and patient details.

Valid test patients can be found in the table below

The following Single Medicare cards have been set up for testing. The Individual Reference Number (IRN) is found next to the name of the person on the Medicare Card.

Medicare Card IRN Last Name First Name DOB Sex Address Locality State Postcode
4951649791 1 FRANCIS Jarred 10-02-1968 M 133 Wolverene Est Jabiru NT 886
6951824181 1 FOSTER Arline 2-01-1973 F 115 William St Kamona TAS 7260
4951649881 1 GENTLE Rolf 18-06-1953 M 19 Zeppelin Gdns Canaga QLD 4413
2954537491 1 MANWARING Ricki 9-08-1960 F 72 Jamieson St Pullaming NSW 2381

The following Families have been set up for use during testing.

Medicare Card IRN Last Name First Name DOB Sex Address Locality State Postcode
2954468081 1 KEYES Damian 20-08-1982 M 141 Law Tce Clarenza NSW 2460
2954468081 2 KEYES Cletus 11-03-1984 M 141 Law Tce Clarenza NSW 2460
2954468081 3 KEYES Harrison 28-08-1914 M 141 Law Tce Clarenza NSW 2460
2954468081 4 KEYES Ardath 17-04-1921 F 141 Law Tce Clarenza NSW 2460

DVA test patient

Valid patient test details include:

The following Veterans cards have been set up for use during testing. These veterans can also be used for Medicare Claims if the Medicare Card Number is used. DVA Card Types: PT

Veteran File No. First Name Last Name DOB Sex Address Locality State Postcode
NX901688 SABINA RORY 26-02-1954 F 42 GAVIN ST O'CONNOR ACT 2602
NX901689 CRAIG EMILE 26-05-1965 M 97 INGO CCT THE BASIN NSW 2108

Alternative/exception patient test details include

The following alternate enrolment types have been set up for use during testing:

Enrolment Type Medicare Card / DVA File No. IRN Last Name First Name DOB Sex Address Locality State Postcode
> 70 years of age 2951386025 1 Smith Henry 17-06-1940 M 12 Wattle St Dubbo NSW 2830
> 7 years of age 2951386025 2 Smith Lyndall 20-09-2012 F 12 Wattle St Dubbo NSW 2830
< 7 years of age 2951386025 6 Stevens Reggie 26-08-2019 M 12 Wattle St Dubbo NSW 2830
DVA Long Name N 026027K N/A Clarksonnnnnnnnnnnnn Peterrrrrrrr 07-12-1935 M Locked Bag 5115 Parramatta NSW 2124
DVA Only Name NX000098A N/A Brown Onlyname 16-10-1916 F 48 Charles St Erskineville NSW 2043
Enrolment Type Medicare Card IRN Last Name First Name **DOB ** Sex Address Locality State Postcode
Only Name 2297460337 1 Devo Onlyname 01-01-1980 M 45 Lameo St Sydney NSW 2000
Long First Name 2298039875 1 Jones Marrianna-Louise 19-05-1967 F 6 Jones Pl Gowrie ACT 2904
Long Name 3950921522 1 Weatherby-Wilkinson Harriett-Jane 12-03-1992 F 18 Wadey St Southbank VIC 3006
RHCA 2297582345 1 Xpatriot English 15091975 M 34 Continental Ave Sydney NSW 2000
Expired RHCA 2297402205 1 Forigner French 16051980 F International St Deakin ACT 2600
Lost card 5500393925 1 Boyes Simon 23-05-1980 M Dropball Ave Nailsworth SA 5083
Transferred to different card, old card quoted 6951393261 3 Harris Sam 12-09-2000 F 4A Watkins St Eden Hill WA 6054
Deceased (30/06/2024) 2296510128 4 Jones Sad 15-09-1964 M 1 Happy Pl Fadden ACT 2904
Unknown on Medicare Australia systems 2398125261 1 Doe John 13091979 M 1 Lost Pl Sydney NSW 2000
Old Issue Number 2298264833 1 Watts Gregory 12-05-1970 M 25 Main Rd Wanniassa ACT 2903
Safety Net Patient 2295919746 1 Davis Eva 02-05-1979 F 502 Lion Pl Macquarie ACT 2614

Concession Entitlement Verification

Enrolment Type Medicare Card IRN Last Name First Name DOB Entitlement #
Concession Entitlement Verification - CLK 2293653285 1 Leonard Bobby 10-02-1958 100015482A
Concession Entitlement Verification - DVA 5500053244 1 Thompson Terri 01-01-1960 NX840351

Inpatient Medical Claiming, In-Hospital Claiming, Online Eligibility Checking and Overseas Claiming

The following details have been set up for Inpatient Medical Claiming, In-Hospital Claiming, Online Eligibility Checking and Overseas Claiming for testing

FundBrandId TST Generic Fund Brand ID
Patient fund memberNumber 1-19 AN characters The fund membership details can be made up data, meeting the field format conditions.
Patient fund memberRefNumber 1-2 N characters
Facility ID 9988770W Generic facility ID number
Billing Agent ID 3539440H SIMPBILL

Medicare Bulk Bill simulated responses

Medicare Bulk Bill submissions are usually processed overnight. To quickly simulate responses (and test configured webhooks), transactions can be stubbed. Stubs can be applied at multiple levels:

  • Submission
  • Processing
  • Processing claim item
  • Payment
Sub Text Level Expected Response Notes
STUB_OK Submissions (required) Submission succeeds
STUB_DOWN Submissions (required) Submission fails with 3004 (medicare down) Claim will be successful after the next batch run. Approx every 2 hour
STUB_FAIL Submissions (required) Submission returns a fail 3999 Claim will not be resubmitted
STUB_FAIL_XXXX Submissions (required) Submission returns a fail XXXX Replace XXXX
STUB_PROCESSING_ITEM_FAIL Processing claim item Processing report returns with Explanation code 160
STUB_PROCESSING_ITEM_FAIL_XXX Processing claim item Processing report returns with Explanation code XXX Links to return codes: Medicare,
STUB_PAYMENT_FAIL Payment Payment report returns with fail 8002
STUB_PAYMENT_FAIL_XXXX Payment Payment report returns with fail XXXX

Stub text(s) are applied on claim item's Service Text field and should be set on the first claim item of the claim, with the exception of STUB_PROCESSING_ITEM_FAIL, which can differ for each claim item. Stub outcome can also be applied on different levels ie. Submission, Processing claim item, Payment. To initiate a stub, Submission level is mandatory.


  • STUB_OK;STUB_PROCESSING_ITEM_FAIL_123: Submission submits successfully, but processing report returns an explanation code of 123 and results in no benefits paid for the item.
  • STUB_DOWN;STUB_PAYMENT_FAIL_1234 : Submission failed because medicare was down. After a couple of hours, re-submission succeeds with a successful approval of claim. Payment fails with an error code of 1234.

Our STG environment is connected to Medicare/DVA by default. Their adjudication engine will approve some claims and others might stay in a forever "under review" status. This is a condition of the Medicare/DVA non-production environment.

We can manually request processing but for most instances, it's best to stub the response by inserting the text "STUB_OK" into service text for each item claimed. For example: serviceText: STUB_OK,

You can also simulate other Medicare/DVA decline/response codes by substituting STUB_OK with STUB_<ERROR_CODE>, using any valid return code published here:

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