Tyro Health SDK setup
There is a three-step process to get you started with the Tyro Health SDK:
1)Set up the transaction SDK
Requirement | Notes |
API KEY | An API Key grants you access to a business and all related providers resources. API Keys can only be created by a business admin. How to obtain an API Key: Once the admin is logged into the Medipass portal 1. Go to ‘Business settings’ and navigate to the ‘API keys’ tab, 2. Select ‘Generate a new key’ and the API Key will be displayed. |
App ID | This is your Tyro health unique Identifier. Issued by our partner integration team. Please contact healthpartnerships@tyro.com |
App Version | This is typically aligned to your software release version. Used for debug and support efforts. This value is determined by you. |
Tyro Health has to two environments for partner integration:
- Non- Prod/ testing environment (stg):This represents a production like environment but uses test account details and stubs to simulate responses from funders.
- Production (PROD): Tyro Health production environment.
There are two options to install theTyro Health transaction SDK:
Note: If you intend to use the SDK as a JavaScript module you will need to install the NPM/Yarn package. If you will be using the SDK with a
tag or other URL direction method then you will need to install the unpkg.com version.
Installation via NPM/Yarn
npm install @medipass/partner-sdk
// or, with yarn:
yarn add @medipass/partner-sdk
Download the SDK via unpkg.com
Using the JavaScript Module
import medipassSDK from '@medipass/partner-sdk';
// or: const medipassSDK = require('@medipass/partner-sdk');
env: 'stg',
apiKey: '[insert your API key here]',
appId: '[insert your App ID here]',
appVersion: '[insert your App version here]'
medipassSDK.renderCreateTransaction({}, {
onSuccess: function (transaction) {
// handle successful submission of transaction
onError: function (error) {
// handle errored submission of transaction
onCancel: function () {
// handle when create transaction flow has been cancelled
Using a <script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@medipass/partner-sdk@1.10.1/umd/@medipass/partner-sdk.min.js"></script>
env: 'stg',
apiKey: '[insert your API key here]',
appId: '[insert your App ID here]',
appVersion: '[insert App version key here]'
MedipassTransactionSDK.renderCreateTransaction({}, {
onSuccess: data => {
// handle success
onError: data => {
// handle error
onCancel: () => {
// handle cancel
Short-lived SDK token
In order to mitigate potential risks of unauthorised API keys, Tyro Health provides the option of a short-lived SDK authentication token.
To use the short-lived token you will need to follow the below three step process:
Resource <base-url>/v3/auth/token
Where base-url:
Staging: stg-api-au.medipass.io
Production: api-au.medipass.io
Required headers
Bearer <Business_Admin_API_key>
- x-appid: your App ID
"audience": "aud:business-sdk",
"expiresIn": "1h" // e.g. 30m, 1h, 6h, 24h. Defaults to 1h, max is 24h.
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ2ZXIiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzc1NzI1MCwiZXhwIjoxNTkzNzYwODUwLCJhdWQiOiJhdWQ6YnVzaW5lc3Mtc2RrIiwic3ViIjoiNTc0M2NiNWI1YjI0Y2MxNDAwOTk5MTcwIiwianRpIjoiNVctZDZLIn0.YbbogFjmk7-BT15aY7vqHfFcXpH5Smr9LT96hHUjlWQ"